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In one corner of the garden of the Chalet Gardenia there are four fruit trees: a cherry tree, an apricot tree, a peach tree and a plum tree. They are four young seedlings planted a few years ago.
They are the gift for a thirtieth anniversary of marriage, “He” asks “her”: What would you like for our anniversary? “And” her “: fruit plants for our garden. The most beautiful and most appreciated gift.

For the moment only the plum and peach produce small fruits, while the cherry and the apricot for now nothing. The plants in spring all bloom with a blaze of colors from white to pink, creating a romantic and characteristic corner. In the mountains, however, time sometimes changes quickly and from warm spring days that favor flowering, we move on to cold days and maybe even snowy ones that freeze flowers and buds.

In the indicated period, it is necessary to proceed with the pruning to reinvigorate the plants and favor the luxuriant growth for the production of fruits and as by magic in spring the delicate flowers they open and then form fruits. Every day you can notice the progress, from a small button the flower opens, from the flower the fruit is formed, every day bigger and fleshy.

When the fruit is ripe, even regret removing it from the plant to eat it.The young plants require a lot of care, they must be pruned periodically, it is necessary to verify that they are free of parasites and carefully treated to favor the correct growth.

So much work, but …

So much work and commitment, but then the results and the fruits are there and you can even eat them.

… and if you are looking for an apartment for your holidays in Bormio contact us and we will make our proposal:  www.chaletgardenia.it   info@chaletgardenia.it